Welcome to Häussel pickups!
It was around 1980 that my workshop witnessed the creation of the first custom instruments tailored to the requests of my customers. At the outset I only created acoustic guitars, but the range was soon to be supplemented by various electric guitars and basses - all custom instruments and one-offs made to customer specifications.
Many customers also wanted me to make suitable pickups to match their individualised instruments. So in 1986 I took on assistants and began to make my first pickups - initially only for individual customer requirements. My reputation as a 'pickup doctor' quickly spread, however, and we were soon inundated with rewind orders. When you repair a lot of pickups, you naturally learn a lot about them... and it was during this period that I gained most of my know-how.
In 1989, the first CNC machine arrived at the production shop (computerized numerical control machine) - now we could make guitar bodies, necks, fingerboards with inlays and many more useful items ourselves - either as one-offs or as serial items that were exactly similar in every way. At last we could manufacture professional-quality wound pickups – and unique customer one-offs as well.
Over the years we've created a range of pickups consisting of nearly every type of standard pickup model. However, each and every pickup we develop and wind in close cooperation with our customers is processed with care and precision - and all these custom pickups we have created constitute one of the widest possible ranges of individual and special pickups that you'll find anywhere in the world!
Many instrument makers now use Häussel pickups as standard on their creations – so we reckon we must be doing something right! We also manufacture OEM pickups, sold under a separate name.
Our consistent development work and highly elaborate testing processes form the foundation for our extremely fair price/performance ratio. In recent years, manufacturers and musicians have increasingly focused on pickups for electric guitars and basses as a means of obtaining targeted sound shaping. We at Häussel Pickups are continually on the lookout for better and more suitable metals for magnets, coils and pole pieces, simply because the combination of countless types of magnets and pole piece materials made from various different kinds of steel offers an almost endless variety of sounds – and giving you, our customers, the sounds you want is what we do best!
I hope that this current Häussel catalogue will help you target and achieve the sound you've been searching for!